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Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay]


Quick Facts
This is the height of the mountain above sea level. However, on the climb, it is the ascent that matters, i.e. the sum of all the uphill parts of the route.
1047 m (3435 ft)

This is the standard notation used on Ordnance Survey Landranger maps.

Each reference consists of two letters identifying a 100,000 metre square block then three digits defining the Easting and finally the three digits defining the Northing with reference to the South West corner of the block.

NN166712 is the grid reference for the summit of Ben Nevis. Where you are given the map number ( For Ben Nevis = 41) it is acceptable to omit the two initial letters e.g. 166712. (Instructions on how to read the references are given on the OS maps).

Grid Ref.
An indication of this mountains height rank within its class. Where two mountains share the same height they are ordered alphabetically.
84 of 282 Munros
The number of ascent routes currently available on Munromagic.
Mountain names are usually in Gaelic, the native language of the Scottish Highlands, or have been derived from the old Scots and Norse languages. We give the most commonly accepted meaning, but accept that some of these are disputed.
Big crag

The UK is covered by 204 Ordnance Survey Landranger 1:50,000 scale maps. Maps numbered 1 to 86 cover Scotland but for the highest mountains (Munros) only 23 maps are required. The name given roughly describes the area covered by the map.

OS Landranger Maps Required
  50   Glen Orchy & Loch Etive
  51   Loch Tay & Glen Dochart

A description of the characteristics of the mountain including any hazards of which you should be aware.

Creag Mhor is a craggy top with three prominent ridges. The N ridge to Meall Tionail (985m) offers an easy route to the summit and should be used for access when coming from Beinn Heasgarnich.

The SE ridge is the normal route from the road in Glen Lyon. The third heads SW then curves SE to form a very craggy ridge that is best avoided.

Hazards you may encounter on Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay] include
 Crags near summit.
General Considerations
 Temperature decreases by 1degree C for every 100m of ascent.
 Wind usually increases with altitude.
 Visibility can change markedly with cloud level.
 River/Stream levels can increase markedly in one day.
Picture Gallery for Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay]

A selection of weather forecasts local to #GetMountain.Top_Name#.

Ordnance Survey digital maps are also available to members.

 Weather & OS Maps
West Highlands
by MWIS (PDF format)
West Highlands
by Met Office
Ben Oss
by Metcheck
Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay] Area Map
Legend  Munro  Corbett  Graham  English/Welsh Top  Accommodation

A selection of local accommodation options who advertise with Munromagic.com.

 Where to Stay
We currently have no
sponsored accommodation listings for this area.

The summary information of one or more ascent routes that include Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay].

Click on the route title to load the full content for that route.

 Routes that include Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay]
  Ascent Distance Time Including... Description Rating
1 1635 m 20.27 km 7 hrs Beinn Heasgarnich and Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay]  Easy walking on gentle slopes, but there is boggy ground to cross. Best when frozen or in dry weather.  

Pictures submitted by members on the summit of Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay]

 Baggers Gallery for Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay]

At the summit on Good Friday 22/4/11

© Ian Mather

Image by Ian Mather

myself, and my great friend mick smith who done his 100th munro with great friend john donnelly at the sumit of creag mhor. stunning views

© John Frew

Image by John Frew

This is me on the summit of creag mhor in glen lochy having a wee dram to celebrate my 100th munro.

© Libby Smith

Image by Libby Smith

Hard going in the deep snow 18th November 2006

© Alistair Craig

Image by Alistair Craig
View All 17 Baggers Images for Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay]
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Cameron Gair on 23 Jul 2024
Archie Mcwatt on 22 Jun 2024
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 Shared Members Track Logs

Post a few words about Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay] or read what others have had to say.

James Corrigan
wrote on
September 1, 2013
Long drive down a narrow single track road.Kenknock.There is space for around 6 cars and a sign tells you no parking beyond this point.Pass the Farm and lots of Cattle to meet me at several points along the track.Rather than go up the crags of Sron nan Eun,decided to follow Alt Bad a Mhaim and struck up Bealach Saldearan.Steep going but height is gained rapidly, heading West to the obvious path all the way to Creag Mhor.It`s a false summit hill so be ready.A sharp Cairn eventually meets you slightlEast of the path.Thick weather and very windy so never hung around and headed for the Meall Tionail.Next steep climb to Beinn Sheasgaranich.
Robert Carr
wrote on
March 23, 2012
Solo with Snow(dog). The new carpark made this into a 24 kilometer day coming off by the high road. Walking through the fields on the public road full of suckler cows with calves at foot was not much fun with the dog. Good job I am a farmer myself. Not much planning or forethought in this new incovenient arrangement.
Ian Mather
wrote on
April 23, 2011
As Peter Lang stated in an earlier post park at the upper car park because it definately saves time and effort. Be careful though on the way up and drive slowly because some of the pot holes are like mini bomb craters.There seems to be a bit of work going on at the lower car park. Not sure if this is why about half an hours walk before Kenknock there is a car park with a notice which states "No parking beyond this point". A lot of walkers were obviously caught out with this because this car park was full when we passed it on the drive back out.
Peter Lang
wrote on
May 8, 2007
Park car up hill behind kenknock at 350m contour (where pipeline disappears into hillside) - upper path easily cyclable if required. Means don't have to descend so far on return saving legs at end of the day (also less climbing at start)
Alan Mills
wrote on
December 31, 2003
Climbed from end of public road in Glen Lochay to Babour and climbed Sron nan eun to start of Ridge. Weather conditions ideal, lots of snow and ice, visibility was excellent, great views towards Ben Nevis. Returned down ridge and dropped into coire adjacent to ben Hesgearnich and then back towards road at Babour and return to Kenknock

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