Route Information for
High Stile
The total ascent is 895 meters. Allow 4 hours to complete this 11.34km route.
NumberDescriptionOS Grid
Park in car park at Buttermere villageNY17371687
1Take broad track S to bridge over River Cocker.NY17251631
2Ascend path SSE through larch wood, then zigzag up to a broad grassy shelf.NY17281564
3Follow path W along shelf and cross Sour Milk GillNY16831577
4Ascend path SW to Red Pike (755m)NY16051543
5Descend SSE to col at beginning of long summit ridgeNY16161508
6Continue SE on ridge along the edge of Chapel CragsNY16481479
7Continue E to the West top of High StileNY16761474
8Turn ENE to reach summit of High Stile (2500ft+) NY17011480
9Follow path S onto ridgeNY17001447
10Continue SE along ridgeNY17771405
11Continue E to High Crag (744m).NY18031406
12Descend ESE to col on ridge then ascend Seat (561m)NY18661329
13Descend steeply E to Scarth Gap pass.NY18931330
14Follow pass NNW and descend on pathNY18761389
15Continue descending N on pathNY18751474
16Bear E on path to junction of pathsNY18881475
17Take left branch and follow path on South side of Buttermere to join ascent route.NY17371687
Please ensure that you have adequate mapping to cope should conditions change suddenly and you need to amend your route. This route is covered by the Ordnance Survey maps detailed below and we have negotiated a 10% discount on the RRP in addition to free postage and packing.
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Disclaimer. The details provided above are an aid to planning an expedition, but all distances, altitudes and bearings must be considered approximate. You must navigate with the appropriate map, a compass, your navigation skills and common sense, accept no responsibility for your interpretation of our route information.