Route Information for
Sgorr nam Fiannaidh and Meall Dearg
The total ascent is 1295 meters. Allow 4.5 hours to complete this 11.39km route.
NumberDescriptionOS Grid
Start from A82 on path by Allt-na-reighNN17525661
1Ascend N following the streamNN17495762
2Continue NNW to ridgeNN17165819
3Ascend SW to summit of Am BodachNN16875800
4Descend to ridge and bear WNW to Meall Dearg NN16135835
5Follow narrow exposed rocky ridge (Aonach Eagach) W to col (850m). Scrambling required!NN15215832
6The worst is now behind you! Ascend NW on Stob Coire LeithNN14955849
7Bear WSW on ridgeNN14545827
8Continue W to summit of Sgorr nam Fiannaidh NN14065830
9Descend SSW to road.NN13795662
10Head NE on roadNN14735713
11Continue E on roadNN16495694
12Follow road ESE to return to startNN17525661
Please ensure that you have adequate mapping to cope should conditions change suddenly and you need to amend your route. This route is covered by the Ordnance Survey maps detailed below and we have negotiated a 10% discount on the RRP in addition to free postage and packing.
OS Landranger Maps Required   
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  41   Ben Nevis, Fort William & Glen Coe
Only £6.29 delivered  (£13.49 laminated)


Local Accommodation Options
18.1 km Inveroran Hotel - Inveroran, Bridge of Orchy, PA36 4AQ   Tel: 01838 400220
18.5 km Ashburn Guest House - Achintore Road, Fort William, PH33 6RQ   Tel: 01397 706000
18.7 km Stobhan - Fassifern Road, Fort William, PH33 6BD   Tel: 01397 702790
18.7 km Glenlochy Guest House - Nevis Bridge, Fort William, PH33 6PF   Tel: 01397 702909
18.8 km Distillery Guest House and Cottages - Nevis Bridge, Fort William, PH33 6LR   Tel: 01397 700103
18.8 km Farr Cottage Lodge and Activity Centre - Corpach, Fort William, PH33 6LR   Tel: 01397 772315
19.1 km Braemar - Lundy Gardens, Fort William, PH33 6PD   Tel: 01397 705988
25.7 km Inverour Guest House - Roybridge Road, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EU   Tel: 01397 712218
26.1 km The Braes Guest House - Trindrish, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EU   Tel: 01397 712437
29.3 km Craigroyston - Dalmally, Dalmally, PA33 1AA   Tel: 01838 200234
Disclaimer. The details provided above are an aid to planning an expedition, but all distances, altitudes and bearings must be considered approximate. You must navigate with the appropriate map, a compass, your navigation skills and common sense, accept no responsibility for your interpretation of our route information.