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Sgurr nan Conbhairean, Sail Chaorainn & Carn Ghluasaid
Quick Facts
This is the summed total of all the climbing within a route and is a good indicator of the strenuousness of a route.
Total Ascent
4822 ft

An estimate of the time taken based on a derivation of Naismiths rules. Our calculation is based on the horizontal and ascent components of a climb, we do not make a reduction for descent.

Registered users can customise these walking times by specifying their own walking and ascending speeds. They can also add a fixed time period for stoppages.

Route Time
6 hrs
The horizontal distance of the route.
Route Distance
10.4 ml

The UK is covered by 204 Ordnance Survey Landranger 1:50,000 scale maps. Maps numbered 1 to 86 cover Scotland but for the highest mountains (Munros) only 23 maps are required. The name given roughly describes the area covered by the map.

You can click on the map name to purchase the map for £6.29 including postage which is one of the cheapest prices we have found.

OS Landranger Maps Required
  34   Fort Augustus, Glen Albyn & Glen Roy
Only £6.29  (£13.49 Laminated) from  

A brief summary of this route.

Our summary will always contain one of easy, moderate or hard to indicate the severity of the route.

Moderate route with steep slopes and rocky ridges on the north side of Glen Shiel.

Here we provide the nearest town to the start of the route where you will find basic services.

We then give directions from that location to the route start. Your approach route may differ.

 Travel Information

Head to: Shiel Bridge

From Shiel Bridge (A87) travel SE to Lundie on the north shore of Loch Cluanie.

Route Waypoint Map

The total ascent is 4,822 feet. Allow 6 hours to complete this 10.4 mile route.

In winter months please check the local snow conditions at sais.gov.uk.

The hillphones service can inform you of stalking activities in the area.

Usually the shortest way to climb the mountain, making best use of tracks and paths to gain altitude. Route navigation requires map reading skills and an ability to navigate with a compass.

The information given here will enable you to annotate your map and plan your route. We do not give anecdotal descriptions on where to find the paths, worn by the feet of previous mountaineers.

Where the access routes are few or the ridge is narrow, paths are generally obvious. On open ground, following paths without using your compass may get you lost in poor visibility.

 Route Information
Waypoint Detail
  Start from layby on A87 at Lundie on the north shore of Loch Cluanie
  NH14411033 Distance
754 ft
Walk W on old military road junction with path
NH13741024 Distance
0.5 miles
1033 ft
Take N branch of path and ascend An Cruachan
NH13511092 Distance
0.7 miles
1443 ft
Continue ascending N
NH13671203 Distance
1.0 miles
2434 ft
On reaching the ridge bear NE to Carn Ghluasaid summit
NH14591250 Distance
0.6 miles
3139 ft
Head W to the ridge start
NH14321246 Distance
0.2 miles
3070 ft
Follow ridge NW
NH13711287 Distance
0.5 miles
2956 ft
Bear N to unnamed top (998m)
NH13721315 Distance
0.2 miles
3274 ft
Continue W on ridge
NH13271315 Distance
0.3 miles
3202 ft
Continue NW to Glas Bealach
NH12981333 Distance
0.2 miles
3231 ft
Ascend NW avoiding crags to the N
NH12831367 Distance
0.2 miles
3274 ft
Bear NE to Sgurr nan Conbhairean
NH13001388 Distance
0.2 miles
3638 ft
Continue NW avoiding corrie to the North
NH12861403 Distance
0.1 miles
3461 ft
Continue N along ridge
NH12921477 Distance
0.5 miles
2995 ft
Head NNE to Sail Chaorainn
NH13321545 Distance
0.5 miles
3287 ft
Return SSW to the ridge
NH12921477 Distance
0.5 miles
2995 ft
Follow ridge S
NH12861403 Distance
0.5 miles
3461 ft
Bear SE to gain ridge
NH12691378 Distance
0.2 miles
3346 ft
Descend SW to Drochaid an Tull Easaich
NH12091342 Distance
0.4 miles
3284 ft
Descend S to Meall Breac
NH12081174 Distance
1.1 miles
2181 ft
Head SE to join path
NH12751096 Distance
0.7 miles
1148 ft
Descend S to junction
NH12731065 Distance
0.3 miles
833 ft
Walk E on old military road to return to Lundie
  NH14411033 Distance
1.1 miles
754 ft

A selection of weather forecasts local to this route.

North West Highlands
by MWIS (PDF format)
West Highlands
by Met Office
Ladhar Bheinn
by Metcheck
Images of Sgurr nan Conbhairean, Sail Chaorainn & Carn Ghluasaid
Route Area Map
Legend  Munro  Corbett  Graham  English/Welsh Top  Accommodation

A selection of local accommodation options who advertise with Munromagic.com.

 Where to Stay
We currently have no
sponsored accommodation listings for this area.

Rating & Reviews

 Rating & Reviews
 from 2 votes
Click Stars to Vote
Your Rating
Written by Craig Dunderdale on 05 May 2007:
Excellent straightforward route with obvious paths. After the 3rd Munro head south until about 975m contour across the scree field and save yourself from needless climbing.
Written by Rob Jeffries on 07 Jun 2004:
To do the top that lies north of Sail Chaorainn adds a further hour to the route.
Disclaimer. The details provided above are an aid to planning an expedition, but all distances, altitudes and bearings must be considered approximate. You must navigate with the appropriate map, a compass, your navigation skills and common sense, MunroMagic.com accept no responsibility for your interpretation of our route information.
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