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Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]


Quick Facts
This is the height of the mountain above sea level. However, on the climb, it is the ascent that matters, i.e. the sum of all the uphill parts of the route.
821 m (2693 ft)

This is the standard notation used on Ordnance Survey Landranger maps.

Each reference consists of two letters identifying a 100,000 metre square block then three digits defining the Easting and finally the three digits defining the Northing with reference to the South West corner of the block.

NN166712 is the grid reference for the summit of Ben Nevis. Where you are given the map number ( For Ben Nevis = 41) it is acceptable to omit the two initial letters e.g. 166712. (Instructions on how to read the references are given on the OS maps).

Grid Ref.
An indication of this mountains height rank within its class. Where two mountains share the same height they are ordered alphabetically.
121 of 222 Corbetts
The number of ascent routes currently available on Munromagic.
Mountain names are usually in Gaelic, the native language of the Scottish Highlands, or have been derived from the old Scots and Norse languages. We give the most commonly accepted meaning, but accept that some of these are disputed.
White hill

The UK is covered by 204 Ordnance Survey Landranger 1:50,000 scale maps. Maps numbered 1 to 86 cover Scotland but for the highest mountains (Munros) only 23 maps are required. The name given roughly describes the area covered by the map.

OS Landranger Maps Required
  57   Stirling & The Trossachs

A description of the characteristics of the mountain including any hazards of which you should be aware.

Benvane and Ben Ledi are the two highest tops on a mountain that runs SE to NW on the western shore of Loch Lubnaig. The two hills can therefore be climbed in a single traverse if transport can be arranged.

Benvane is a grassy hill with few rocky outcrops and an easy ascent. Benvane is best accessed by its long N ridge either from Ballimore to the N or via the tracks which climb its forested E slopes.

Hazards you may encounter on Benvane [Loch Lubnaig] include
General Considerations
 Temperature decreases by 1degree C for every 100m of ascent.
 Wind usually increases with altitude.
 Visibility can change markedly with cloud level.
 River/Stream levels can increase markedly in one day.
Picture Gallery for Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]

A selection of weather forecasts local to #GetMountain.Top_Name#.

Ordnance Survey digital maps are also available to members.

 Weather & OS Maps
West Highlands
by MWIS (PDF format)
West Highlands
by Met Office
Ben Lomond
by Metcheck
Benvane [Loch Lubnaig] Area Map
Legend  Munro  Corbett  Graham  English/Welsh Top  Accommodation

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 Where to Stay
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The summary information of one or more ascent routes that include Benvane [Loch Lubnaig].

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 Routes that include Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]
  Ascent Distance Time Including... Description Rating
1 670 m 6.52 km 2.5 hrs Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]  An easy route on grassy slopes Not Yet Rated 

Pictures submitted by members on the summit of Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]

 Baggers Gallery for Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]

Iain & Graeme through the mist on Benvane

© Tony Dick

Image by Tony Dick

With Graeme on Benvane in the mist 25th April 2010

© Tony Dick

Image by Tony Dick

Myself on summit 31/1/2010 on a fresh sunny day

© David Peden

Image by David Peden

Me and Fern at the summit of Ben Vane Christmas Day 09

© Colin Fridge

Image by Colin Fridge
View All 10 Baggers Images for Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]
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 Shared Members Track Logs
Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]
by Doug Tulloch
Ben Ledi and Benvane [Loch Lubnaig]
by Brian Howarth
Benvane [Loch Lubnaig] and Ben Ledi
by David McSporran

Post a few words about Benvane [Loch Lubnaig] or read what others have had to say.

Showing the most recent 5 of 7 comments. Would you like to view all 7?
Peter Lang
wrote on
January 15, 2012
2 car S-N traverse, good walking terrain and thank goodness fence posts to follow as Clag meant visibility poor. No problems ascending Ben Ledi on highway and descent to lochan after small bealach on S ascent of Ben Vane at obvious steep ascent shortly after sharp right turn on fence post line. fence posts traverse off left missing a lumpy bump - head straight up to small cairn. Then return to fence posts and eventually meet an actual newer fence which heads NNW along easy angled descent to Ballinmore
James Corrigan
wrote on
January 22, 2011
Done the full traverse of Ben Ledi and Ben Vane which is a testing walk of 15km round trip but a highly enjoyable one. Beinn Each is well seen most of the way as are Ben Vorlich, Stuc a' Chroin, Ben Lui, Ben Oss, Ben Dubhchraig, Ben Lomond and all of the Trossach Hills.The views on the initial climb over to my training hills of Dumgoyne and Meikle Bin was great to see as there was cloud inversion over there. Dumyat at the Ochills was also in cloud inversion.The iron fence posts that take you most of the way via Stuc Dhubh are worth following as you will give yourself a lot of extra graft otherwise.They snake off to the left on the final climb to Ben Vane so just charge on up to the summit cairn.Returned via the outward route but dropped in to Stank Glen as the energy levels were sliding. The long route march back to Coireachrombie car park is a good trade off!
Peter Aylmer
wrote on
June 15, 2010
The Ben Ledi - Benvane ridge was a great start to a week heading north to Corrour. Though the ridge twists around a bit, it's fairly foolproof, with a ruined fence most of the way, though the fence doesn't cross the summit of Benvane. The path from Benvane to Ballimore is a joy, easy graded, down at the bottom in no time.
Graham Ellis
wrote on
April 19, 2010
Not liking to re-trace my footsteps, I started veering off the recommended route on the way down at NN53091430, and headed N then NNE diagonally down the hillside towards a large rock at NN53471577. After that I picked up the end of the track in the valley before returning to the parking spot.
Eileen Stark
wrote on
April 15, 2009
Did this one from Glen Stank up to the 650m col between Ben Ledi and route to Ben Vane. Returning by same route it is a total of 19kms which makes it a longer day but worth it, as it is a super walk with lots of ups and downs. the scenery from this route is fantastic with Ben More and Stob Binnein in the background. It is also quite good to climb directly up the south east face to the summit rather than go the long way round. It is easier than it looks. A very good route for a good day. We had fantastic weather which made it all the more enjoyable.

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