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All commments for Beinn an Lochain

Mike Watson
wrote on April 19, 2010:
Only went up this as a plan B but pleasantly surprised by how stunning the hill is once up onto the ridge. A good short day.
Andrew Blair
wrote on July 22, 2009:
Climbed more times than I can remember - but I have been forced back twice due to turning weather. I always climb from N ridge layby and never tire of this fantastic little hill. Did circular route once with improvised descent to Rest & Be Thankful followed by a refreshing dip in the lochan. Most recent climb was on my own on a clear but very windy summer evening. I'm always impressed by the views on my way back down to the car down the N ridge. I love the way the hill steps back down to the road. One of my favourite mountains ever!
John Graham
wrote on May 4, 2008:
I climbed this little gem of a hill on saturday the 4th may 2008 took the NE ridge route as described on the corbett book also had the route from the SMC official gps routes in my GARMIN GPS weather was overcast but i still had great views all the way to the summit,if i could offer one bit of advice would be to advise anybody considering the decent in the Rest and be Thankfull to consider decending by NE Ridge as the descent via the south into the Rest and be Thankfull is very steep and there is actually no path whatsoever
David Mcelroy
wrote on February 4, 2008:
a word of warning... attempted to climb on the 3rd of February this year (2008) and found the 'stream' we had to cross to be quite a river due to recent rain. If you are planning on following the advised route along the road and crossing you should consider the previous days weather beforehand. David
Sam Marshall
wrote on December 20, 2007:
Parked at the Butterbridge (were the old road crosses the A83) and headed up round the trees to meet the main path. Climbed up through the cloud, bitterly cold though no real wind. My dog had frost all over his eyebrows and face, looked like he had aged about 5 years! Reached the summit and was met with a cloud inversion. Brilliant! Ben More and Ben Cruachan peeking above the clouds. Brocken Spectre topped off a great day.
Leon Mooney
wrote on May 5, 2007:
Climbed on 5/5/07, starting from the lay-by car park at Easan Dubh Fall & hoping for a clear day, but could see cloud ahead of me. Met another walker after half an hour and we headed for the summit together. We sat eating lunch at the large cairn, and as we did so the sun and wind briefly shifted the cloud and we saw that we were not actually at the summit at all - there was a higher bit which was another few minutes away! The hill itself is a fine one, some narrow parts on the ridge and a little scrambling on the lower slopes.
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