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Scott Blair
wrote on April 26, 2012:
I think that photie of John and his dug "failing to cooperate" is first class. Cheered me up, anyway. :0)
Michael Mclaughlin
wrote on December 30, 2011:
a very straight forward hill but if you get this on a nice day its a quality walk , the path up to the summit is excellent condition with good reference points all the way up , i took the dog with me and there was plenty of other dogs on the hill too. the summit is exposed so a bit of warm kit recommended however a good hill
Bob Burrell
wrote on November 19, 2011:
A second overflow car park has been created approximately 100m below the original small car park.
Andrew Blair
wrote on May 12, 2010:
We had a brilliant day out on Ben Vrackie, the weather was great, the path superbly constructed (this walk is ideal if you want to stay clean!) & the hill itself far exceeded expectations. The 'half-way' loch makes for a pretty lunch stop & the final, steep section makes you work hard for your Corbett. It is worth it though when you get your first view of the Beinn a'Ghlo massif. Magnificent! We spent half an hour on the summit & subsidiary peaks watching the showers encircling us before one got too close & we decided to make our way down. A nice meal at the Moulin Hotel ended the day nicely.
Ronald Keir
wrote on May 3, 2010:
Lovely day as is Ben Vrackie pathway is very good gradual incline getting to the dam but from there on its a steady climb all the way up with no let up. Views are superb carn laith etc to the north river tay to the south and a whole host of other mountains etc all around. A lovely day out. Excellent for anyone like me with dogs !!
Hilary Neilson
wrote on February 18, 2008:
You really couldnt go wrong with this mountain, the path is the best I have seen, and goes from the carpark all the way to the summit, good views from summit on a good day.
Roger Vander Steen
wrote on August 9, 2006:
The path from Loch a'Choire has been rebuilt to an excellent standard.
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